Discover Your Perfect Program

Your doctorate—the crowning cap, the final boost toward your goals. You have met every challenge. Your curiosity and your drive pull you forward. Find a haven for this last educational stage at renowned, faith-based Belhaven University.

You ​will complete the academic coursework of your degree through our flexible online program with the added benefit of scheduled on-campus residency weekends that further enhance your studies. As you progress, you will develop independent research that will guide the writing of your dissertation.

Throughout your studies, you will meet regularly with Belhaven faculty that will guide you through to the successful defense of your dissertation. We want to help you succeed in your greatest academic accomplishment!​​

Earning your doctorate at Belhaven is a signal to yourself, your employers, and your peers that you have the ethical framework, discipline, and sharpened skills to manage and lead through complex times.

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Verse of the Year

For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Psalm 100:5