Greetings from Belhaven University! We consider it an honor that you are looking at our website and are interested in what Belhaven can offer you as an international student. Below are just a few things that make Belhaven unique:

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(1) As a student in our English as Second Language courses you will earn up 12 credit hours in one semester toward your undergraduate degree. As you know, many schools do not give you academic credit for ESL work; however, we believe it is important to give you, a non-native English speaker, appropriate academic credit for learning English. And if you need to continue your English studies into a second semester, you can earn an additional 6 hours toward your degree for a total of 18 hours of credit earned during ESL focused studies.

(2) We have a worldview curriculum that will help you develop your worldview and understand how a Christ-centered worldview stands distinct and applies to every discipline.

(3) We are one of only two schools in America that requires a course in marriage and family for graduation. It doesn't matter how successful you are in your career, if you can't balance things at home first. We've made family a priority. As a senior capstone course, this class will help prepare you for your most important relationships in life.

(4) Our School of Business was recognized by Business Reform Magazine as one of the best Christian Business Schools in the country. We were also recognized for our job placement record, Biblically focused curriculum, and the quality of our faculty. In fact our business curriculum was rated "most biblical" among the 50 Christian schools that were studied. Our business degree is accredited by the International Assembly of Collegiate Business Education.

(5) We are one of only 33 schools in the country independently accredited in all four of the arts - dance, theatre, music, and visual art - and the only Christian College among that group. We also have the only Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing among the Christian colleges. Our excellence in the Arts will allow you to be exposed to unique artistic experiences during your time at Belhaven, thus allowing you to better understand and relate to the American culture.

(6) We provide an affordable education for international students. Because our cost of living in this region of the country is lower, we can provide an education for students at nearly half the price of private schools in California or New York. See a detailed cost sheet.

We want to tell you more! Please complete the form to request information so we can better share how we can meet your specific needs. Or view the international student section of our admission website. At Belhaven, we want to be purposeful in how we help you steward your talents and interests to help you be all that God would have you to be.

Simon Babba, alumnus, International Studies

Hometown: Jos, Nigeria

I chose to come to Belhaven University because... of the opportunity to play soccer on scholarship while also pursuing the International Studies major.

One relationship that has meant a lot to me while attending Belhaven University is... impossible to narrow down to one-I have many meaningful relationships with the amazing friends I have here at Belhaven.

Because of my degree from Belhaven University... I will be able to work for any business or company that does international trade.

Verse of the Year

For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Psalm 100:5