Belhaven University is committed to providing a safe campus environment balancing appropriate Covid-19 precautions with the dynamics of our learning community.

COVID Policy Fall 2023

Belhaven University will continue to monitor COVID positivity rates in the city, state, and across the country. University Administration will also review and follow guidelines set forth by the city, local, state governments, and the CDC.

The priority is to keep our students, faculty, and staff safe at all times. Students will be notified of requirements regarding COVID-19 and will be expected to follow any guidelines set forth by Belhaven University.

Covid Symptoms

  1. Students who experience COVID-19 symptoms should get tested as soon as possible either using an at-home test or by visiting a medical facility.
  2. Please remain in your residence hall room/home until you receive your test results.

Covid Positive

  1. If you are positive, you will be required to quarantine off campus (if your home is within reasonable driving distance and you have no one in your home that is immunocompromised).
  2. Please send the results of your positive test to (if an at-home test, take a picture of the at-home test with your student ID beside it). 
  3. Those testing positive must quarantine for at least 5 days from the onset of symptoms and may only return on Day 6 if fever-free for the previous 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and if symptoms are resolving.
  4. Student Development will notify your professors of your positive test and expected return date.
  5. Students should also contact their professors about assignments as soon as they are able. 
  6. Upon returning to campus, a mask must be worn at all times for an additional 5 days.


  1. At this time, Belhaven University will not be requiring masks to be worn.
  2. However, those who are at high risk because of personal or family needs are encouraged to continue to wear masks indoors.
  3. Some faculty members may require students to wear masks in class and during meetings. Please be respectful of these concerns by faculty and wear a mask if required to do so.

At-Home Covid Tests

  1. You may order free tests to be mailed to you at
  2. Free tests are also available at all Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) county health departments. No doctor’s note or documentation are necessary. Tests may be picked up without an appointment during regular health department hours (
  3. At-Home tests can be purchased at all local pharmacies.

If you have any questions please email or call the Office of Student Development  at 601.968.5969.

Verse of the Year

For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Psalm 100:5