Data Skills for Everyone

Discover the boundless opportunities in the field of data science with our comprehensive online master’s in data science program, designed to meet the demands of the rapidly growing and highly sought-after job market. It's designed for people from various backgrounds, even if you're new to the field.

The 30-credit hour curriculum is built to make you an expert in analytics and modeling, helping you understand complex data, extract valuable insights, and create predictive models. The flexible learning setup allows you to progress at your speed while ensuring you fully grasp the intricacies of data science.

Join us and open the doors to a future where you'll master data-driven decision-making and gain a deep understanding of the digital age's most precious resource: information.

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$9,975 Tuition

One of the most affordable data science programs in the country

Self-Paced Curriculum

Begin data science courses regardless of your current expertise

#3 Best Jobs

Data Science is listed on Glassdoor’s of Best Jobs of 2022

100% Online

7-week courses, taught year-round

Top 5 Reasons to Consider a Masters in Data Science

Belhaven University’s master’s degree in Data Science equips students with the skills needed to harness the power of data. Our curriculum is designed to provide a strong foundation in statistics, programming, and machine learning, combined with practical experience through real-world projects.

Here are top reasons to consider a data science degree:

  1. High demand for data scientists
  2. Competitive edge in job market
  3. Career versatility and diversity
  4. Salary potential
  5. Make an impact using data to drive decision-making

Graduates of our program will be prepared to enter a variety of industries, including retail, healthcare, finance, and technology. They will be able to help businesses make informed decisions, optimize operations, and drive innovation.

What Do Data Scientists Do?

Data scientists are professionals trained to handle and analyze data. They use statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns, predict trends, and make data-driven decisions. Here’s a step-by-step look at what a data scientist does:

  1. Data Collection: Gathering data from various sources. For a business, this could include sales records, social media interactions, customer surveys, and more.
  2. Data Cleaning: Ensuring the data is accurate and usable by removing errors, duplicates, and inconsistencies. Clean data is essential for reliable analysis.
  3. Data Analysis: Using statistical methods to explore and understand the data. This could involve identifying which products sell best at different times of the year.
  4. Model Building: Developing algorithms to predict future trends. For example, predicting which products will be in high demand next month.
  5. Interpretation and Communication: Translating complex data findings into actionable insights and presenting them in an understandable way to stakeholders.

Why You’ll Love the Online Data Science Program at Belhaven

Thriving Careers

Data science is a leading field in the digital age, offering students diverse career options in high-demand industries like tech, healthcare, finance, and marketing. It equips them with valuable skills and promising job prospects.

Problem Solving Expertise

A data science master’s program teaches problem-solving by analyzing data. It helps predict trends, improve processes, make smarter decisions, and create actionable insights both in careers and everyday life, fostering critical thinking skills.

Interdisciplinary Versatility

Students from various backgrounds are welcome! Whether your training is in mathematics, computer science, social sciences, or engineering, data science merges skills from various fields making it an ideal choice for diverse interests. Plus, no GRE required!

Christian Worldview

You are challenged to think critically and analytically about who God is — and who you are — as we equip you to fulfill your calling to glorify God and be a blessing to the world.

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What Can you Do with a Data Science degree?

The growth rate for jobs open nationally for data analysts has a bright outlook and the field is continuously evolving. Entry-level positions, such as Data Analyst, earn average salaries in excess of $59,000 annually. Beyond the entry level, some of the job titles in this career pathway are:

  • Data Scientist – National Average Salary: $152,273
  • Senior Data Analyst– National Median Salary: $103,480
  • Data Warehousing Specialist – National Median Salary: $134,870
  • Business Intelligence Analyst – National Median Salary: $103,500

Other job titles include:

  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Consultant
  • Data Product Manager
  • Quantitative Analyst
  • Data Privacy and Security Specialist
  • Business Data Analyst
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Database Administrator
  • Data Architect

What Will I Learn?

Our curriculum is designed to give you a solid foundation in both theory and practical skills. You'll start with the basics, such as data analysis and programming. We use popular languages like Python, which are beginner-friendly and widely used in the industry. As you progress, you’ll dive into more advanced topics like machine learning, where you’ll learn how to create models that can make predictions based on data.

We also cover essential skills like data cleaning and visualization. These are crucial for making sure your data is accurate and for presenting your findings in a clear, understandable way.

Throughout the program, you’ll work on real-world projects, giving you hands-on experience that’s directly applicable to your future job. By the time you graduate, you’ll be well-equipped to handle data science challenges in any industry.

Master in Data Science: What You Need to Know

Admission requirements:

  • A completed bachelor’s degree (any major)
  • A 2.8 cumulative GPA from undergraduate work
  • Your transcript must show successful completion (with a grade of C or better) of college algebra or a higher mathematics course/Statistics.
  • No GRE required!

If you don’t meet the admission requirements, you may be conditionally admitted.

Applying to Belhaven’s online programs is quick and easy. We’ll need a couple supporting documents — things like transcripts from any other school you’ve attended. When you have gathered those, just complete our online application form.

How to Apply

These rates are for August 1, 2023 through July 31, 2025.

Program Per Credit Hour Full Program Cost
Master of Science in Data Science $333 $9,975

* As these courses are deeply discounted, there are no additional discounts (military, first responder, education, etc.) for this program.

Visit the Scholarships, Tuition & Fees page to view other fees as well as the cost estimate calculator.

Master in Data Science: FAQs

Data science is a field that combines various skills and techniques to make sense of data. It involves using scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to uncover patterns and insights from both organized (structured) and messy (unstructured) data. Think of data science as a tool that helps turn raw information into valuable knowledge.

In our modern world, data science plays a crucial role. It helps businesses and organizations make informed decisions and create effective strategies. Whether it's in healthcare, finance, marketing, or technology, data science is essential for understanding trends, solving problems, and making predictions.

For example, in healthcare, data scientists analyze patient data to predict disease outbreaks and improve treatments. In finance, they help detect fraud and manage risks. In marketing, they study consumer behavior to create more effective advertising campaigns.

By transforming large amounts of data into actionable insights, data science drives innovation and efficiency across various industries, making it an indispensable part of today's decision-making processes.

As the demand for data-driven insights continues to grow, so does the need for skilled data scientists. Pursuing a Master's in Data Science at Belhaven University can open doors to exciting career opportunities, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to thrive in this dynamic field. Whether you're looking to advance your career or pivot to a new industry, data science offers a promising and impactful path.

Designed for Everyone: We mean it when we say that this program is an ideal choice if you have a limited background in data science. In fact, if you can work an excel spread sheet, you can complete this program! With a well-organized curriculum and self-paced learning, anyone can start their data science master’s program, no matter their prior expertise. We make analytics and modeling easy for everyone to learn and understand.

Affordable: Belhaven’s masters in data science (MSDS) is one of the most affordable MSDS degree programs in the nation. We understand cost matters, so we're offering this sought-after degree at the lowest possible price of $9,975.

Excellence Tailored to You: Customized Excellence: Our program focuses on analytics and modeling skills you need for success in the data-driven world. Through hands-on projects, we teach you how to understand complex data, find patterns, and create predictive models. This prepares you for success in industries that rely on data-driven insights.

At Belhaven University, our Master’s in Data Science program equips students with essential tools and technologies that are widely used in the industry. These tools help students develop practical skills that are directly applicable to real-world data science tasks. Here’s a look at the key technologies you’ll learn in our program:

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that is a staple in the data science community. It’s known for its simplicity and readability, making it an excellent choice for beginners. In our program, you’ll use Python for various data science tasks, such as data cleaning, analysis, and visualization. You’ll also learn to leverage popular Python libraries like Pandas for data manipulation, Matplotlib and Seaborn for visualization, and Scikit-learn for machine learning.

R is another essential tool for data scientists, particularly for statistical analysis and visualization. It’s a favorite among statisticians and researchers for its robust statistical packages. In our curriculum, you’ll learn how to use R to perform complex statistical analyses, create detailed visualizations, and develop predictive models. R’s comprehensive ecosystem of packages and its strong community support make it a valuable tool for any data scientist.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the standard language for managing and manipulating relational databases. SQL skills are crucial for data scientists because they often need to extract and query data from databases. In our program, you’ll learn how to write efficient SQL queries to retrieve and manipulate data, as well as how to design and manage databases. Understanding SQL will enable you to handle large datasets stored in database systems and integrate them into your data analysis workflows.

Real-World Applications
Throughout the program, you’ll work on projects that involve these tools, giving you hands-on experience that prepares you for the workforce. For example, you might use Python to clean and analyze a dataset, R to perform advanced statistical modeling, and SQL to query a database for relevant data. These projects simulate real-world scenarios, helping you build a portfolio of work that showcases your skills to potential employers.

Comprehensive Learning Support
Belhaven’s commitment to your success extends beyond the classroom. With the support of our faculty, including Dr. Brett Andrews and Dr. Corky Wicks, and our integrated Axio AI tutoring system, you’ll have the resources you need to master these tools and technologies. Axio AI provides on-demand tutoring, ensuring you can get help whenever you need it, whether you're struggling with a Python script, an R function, or an SQL query.

Belhaven University’s Master’s in Data Science program provides a robust education in essential data science tools like Python, R, and SQL. These technologies are fundamental to the field and will equip you with the skills needed to succeed in a data-driven world.

To make the concept of data science more tangible, let’s look at a few practical examples:

Customer Personalization

Online retailers like Amazon use data science to provide personalized shopping experiences. By analyzing your past purchases, search history, and even the time you spend looking at certain products, they can recommend items you’re likely to buy. This not only enhances the customer experience but also boosts sales.

Healthcare Improvements

In healthcare, data science is used to predict disease outbreaks, personalize treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes. For instance, by analyzing patient records and medical histories, hospitals can identify which patients are at higher risk of certain diseases and intervene early.

Enhancing Sports Performance

Sports teams use data science to analyze player performance and develop winning strategies. By studying data from games and training sessions, they can make decisions about player selection, game tactics, and injury prevention.

Financial Forecasting

Banks and financial institutions use data science for fraud detection, credit scoring, and market analysis. By examining transaction data, they can identify unusual patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity. Additionally, predictive models help them assess the risk associated with loans and investments.

Getting a Master’s in Data Science can be a game-changer for your career, even if you’re not a math expert. This advanced degree gives you the tools and knowledge to work with data, which is incredibly valuable in today's job market. Here’s how it can make a big difference:

First, having a Master’s in Data Science can lead to many exciting job opportunities. Almost every industry needs people who can analyze data to help make smart decisions. Whether it's tech, healthcare, finance, or marketing, companies are looking for data experts, and they’re willing to pay well for these skills.

Additionally, a Master’s in Data Science can significantly boost your earning potential. Data scientists are among the top earners in the tech field. With this degree, you can expect a good salary and job security. This financial reward, along with the chance to work on interesting projects, makes data science a very attractive career choice.

A Master’s in Data Science also provides you with both practical and theoretical knowledge. You’ll learn how to use tools and techniques to analyze data and solve real-world problems. This doesn’t mean you need to be a math genius. You’ll be taught everything you need to know, step by step.

Moreover, this degree helps you build a strong professional network. Universities like Belhaven offer connections with industry leaders, internships, and projects that give you hands-on experience. These connections can lead to job opportunities and valuable partnerships.

Lastly, the skills you gain from a data science degree are versatile and can be used in many different roles and industries. This flexibility allows you to change directions in your career if you ever want to. Whether you’re interested in artificial intelligence, business analytics, or another area, a Master’s in Data Science gives you a solid foundation.

In summary, a Master’s in Data Science can greatly enhance your career, providing numerous opportunities, financial benefits, and the chance to make a meaningful impact. With the right education and training, you can become a leader in the data-driven world, shaping the future of business and technology.

What is a self-paced format?

Working self-paced program through online classes offers you a dynamic and personalized learning experience. This approach allows you to spend less time on the things you already know and more time on the subjects you need to learn. It fosters self-discipline and time management, essential skills for the future. Additionally, online classes provide a flexible schedule, accommodating jobs, family and other commitments.

How does it work?

You will progress through the degree program taking one seven-week course at a time. However, you can move through the material as quickly or as slowly as you wish during the seven weeks.

Is self-paced formatting beneficial?

With a focus on mastery rather than mere completion, self-paced formatting empowers you to take charge of your learning journey, making you well-prepared for the challenges of higher education and the workforce.

aerial view of the fountain

A Strong Foundation

Belhaven's School of Business is nationally recognized by Colleges of Distinction for our commitment to offering real-world experience, job placement, a Biblically focused multi-disciplinary curriculum, industry connections, and quality of faculty.

Belhaven’s Distinctions & Recognition

Meet the Dean

Dr. Brett Andrews

Dean of the School of Business


Contact Us

Office of Adult, Graduate, and Online Admission

Phone: 601-968-5940

Mailing Address:
1500 Peachtree Street, Box 153
Jackson, MS 39202

Fax: 601-300-2932

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Verse of the Year

God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.

Philippians 2:13