A university's annual giving program is always the backbone of support for the institution and is the avenue for greatest impact in the comprehensive education of its students. Belhaven is no exception.

Every gift made to The Belhaven Fund has meaning and purpose for Belhaven students. With more than 92% of our undergraduate students receiving some degree of financial assistance, giving to this fund helps provide resources that help cover the gap between the costs of educating each student and the balance owed by each family.

Alumni participation is critical! In addition to the provision of resources that have an immediate impact for students, annual gifts help sustain Belhaven and maintain the University's viability as one of the leading Christ-centered institutions of higher learning in the nation. Also, the higher our alumni giving participation rate, the greater Belhaven's chances are of receiving major grants from regional and national foundations who consider that a major aspect of their criteria.

It is with a deep spirit of thankfulness we receive support from alumni and friends. While the amount given is an important determinant in the number of students supported, it is the act of making the gift that is the greatest blessing to both the giver and receiver.

Will you be a part of that blessing today with a gift to The Belhaven Fund?

Give to Belhaven

Ways to Give

If writing a check, please make the check payable to Belhaven University (in the memo line place The Belhaven Fund) and mail to:

Belhaven University
Office of Advancement
1500 Peachtree Street, Campus Box 158
Jackson, MS 39202


For More Information Contact:
Sheri Anderson
Director of Advancement Operations
601-968-8719 / sanderson@belhaven.edu
1500 Peachtree Street, Box 158
Jackson, MS 39202

Contact Us

Office of Advancement & Alumni

Phone: 601-968-8719

Belhaven University
Office of Advancement
1500 Peachtree Street, Campus Box 158
Jackson, MS 39202


the fountain splashing with student center in the background, trees on the side

Verse of the Year

For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Psalm 100:5