As you are finishing your degree program at Belhaven University, it is a great time to start looking to advance your career. Many of our students find themselves interviewing for new positions before they graduate!
Preparing for an interview does not have to be intimidating. There are several steps that you can take to help ensure a successful interview.

How to Conduct Yourself at a Job Interview
Remember, It's Just a Conversation
Preparing for an interview starts with making a good impression. It is important to practice a confident, strong speaking voice and friendly body language. Even if this comes naturally you, take some time and practice with trusted friends or family or in front of a mirror.
Make sure you introduce yourself, and pay attention to your posture and handshake! Be sure you take the time to reflect on questions before you answer. The employer will appreciate you taking the time to give them a thoughtful answer.

How to Prepare for a Job Interview
Do Your Homework
Spend time researching the company and the position that you are interviewing for. You can find a great deal of information about organizations online.
Study the job description and consider ways that you can align yourself with the details. The job description can also give you hints about the type of questions you may be asked. Researching a company also gives you the opportunity to ask intelligent questions about the prospective job.

What to Wear on a Job Interview
Sell Yourself
Take some time to form answers to common interview questions. One question that you should be expecting to answer is: Why do you want this job? Think of how your experience and abilities can contribute to the overall goals of the company.
If you have stats or accomplishments that help back your answers up - that's a great way to sell yourself. Your potential employer wants to know if you will be the right fit - so let them know the reasons that you can help them!

How To Prepare Your Resume for a Job Interview
Follow Up
After your interview, make sure you follow up with the employer. A written thank you note can help you stand out. Make sure that you mention the specific job title and thank your interviewer. Connect to a conversation point that seemed especially important during the interview, and invite them to follow up with you if they have additional questions.
Contact Us
Center for Career & Calling
Phone: 601-973-5155Irby Hall 208
1500 Peachtree Street, Box 265
Jackson, MS 39202

Verse of the Year
For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
Psalm 100:5