LifeQuest is a program developed to do two main things: (1) To enhance traditional student awareness of personal calling and (2) to improve students’ preparedness for their chosen career paths. New students are introduced to LifeQuest in either BU 101: Belhaven Basics (required class for freshmen) or Christian Interpretation of Life (required class for transfers). We begin this process by having students take the CliftonStrengths for Students assessment.

Throughout a student’s tenure at Belhaven, he/she has touchpoints in required courses that allow reflection on his/her unique top five strengths and the concept of “personal calling.” The goal is that by the time a student graduates from Belhaven, he/she will have a clear understanding of personal strengths and calling as they relate to a chosen career path. This journey culminates in our Kingdom Life course, which is required of all seniors.

Student Testimonials

LifeQuest is a great way to find out more about yourself. It also helps you to learn more about what would be a great choice for your career field.

–Nylah F.

LifeQuest helped me in a wonderful ways. It showed me strengths that I knew I had, but wasn't sure how to utilize. Now I know what my strengths are and the best possible way of using it.

–Isaiah B.

Belhaven Basics

Belhaven Basics is a first-year seminar course designed to communicate Belhaven's distinctives as a Christian college to our incoming students. There are numerous subjects and topics that are studied in BU101 - Belhaven Basics. Each of these topics will challenge students to understand the nature and purpose of Christian education and how the Christian worldview applies to their education and understanding of life.


  • Discovering your individual strengths
  • Applying your strengths to your academic and career success
  • Guidance through the transition from high school to college
  • Lifelong skills and resources such as how to succeed in college, how to budget your finances, and more
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High School vs. Higher Education

LifeQuest Office

Dr. Vicki Wolfe

Phone: 601-973-5019

Associate Vice President of Academic Support

crepe mertle blooms in front of Fitzhugh hall

Verse of the Year

God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.

Philippians 2:13