The most important lessons about profit and loss happen beyond the textbooks and exams.

The Bottom Line Is Just the Beginning

Any business school can teach you the fundamentals of economics, financial systems, and organizational efficiency. It takes training and wisdom to apply that knowledge effectively and ethically as a servant leader.

As a business student at Belhaven University, you learn to make effective decisions through extensive real-life case studies, real-world internships, and hands-on simulations. Every class is taught by faculty with advanced degrees and years of professional experience.

Business at Belhaven is the art and science of true leadership, built on our unshakeable foundation of Christian values and ethics.

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Welcome to the School of Business

The School of Business has been recognized by Colleges of Distinction as one of the top Christian Business Schools in the country for its commitment to offering real-world experience, job placement, a Biblically focused multi-disciplinary curriculum, industry connections and quality of faculty.

Choose Your Program

Our Mission

The School of Business offers a quality educational experience to undergraduate and graduate students in a variety of formats in the context of a values-based, ethical worldview of business.

You learn to apply business principles to a variety of settings both private and public, non-profit and for profit.


The Academic Business Unit at Belhaven University has received specialized accreditation for its business program(s) through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE), located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE member status page.

School of Business: Verified Excellence

Belhaven’s business school is accredited by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE). Why is this important?

Knowing the School of Business is accredited by the IACBE tells you that Belhaven voluntarily holds itself to a set of quality standards and is willing to allow outside business experts come to campus and verify Belhaven is doing what we say we are doing. Belhaven’s commitment to the accreditation process benefits you because it ensures you will be provided a quality education.

“My education here has put me in a position to compete for the best jobs in any market.”

Carley Watkins, B.S., Business Administration


Focus Areas


Online Degrees


Student/Faculty Ratio

“Our faculty are focused on building students into the professionals God called them to be.”

Dr. Brett Andrews, Dean, School of Business

“My education here has put me in a position to compete for the best jobs in any market.”

Carley Watkins, B.S., Business Administration


Focus Areas


Online Degrees


Student/Faculty Ratio

“Our faculty are focused on building students into the professionals God called them to be.”

Dr. Brett Andrews, Dean, School of Business

Earn Your Doctorate in Business Administration

Belhaven’s new Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree prepares you for the highest roles in the corporate world. The 60-hour program includes a research dissertation and onsite residencies.

aerial view of the fountain

A Strong Foundation

Belhaven's School of Business is nationally recognized by Colleges of Distinction for our commitment to offering real-world experience, job placement, a Biblically focused multi-disciplinary curriculum, industry connections, and quality of faculty.

Belhaven’s Distinctions & Recognition

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Meet Our Faculty

Dean of the School of Business

Brett Andrews
Dean of the School of Business

Associate Professor of Business Administration

Emily C. Blalock
Associate Professor of Business Administration

Assistant Professor of Business

Sharrieffah Bridges
Assistant Professor of Business

Professor of Business Administration and China DBA Academic Director

Keim Chew
Professor of Business Administration and China DBA Academic Director

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Candanise Courtney
Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Assistant Professor of Public Administration and Director of Public Administration

Marietta D. Duncan
Assistant Professor of Public Administration and Director of Public Administration

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Stacey Hendrix
Assistant Professor of Accounting

Professor of Business Administration

Marsha James
Professor of Business Administration

Professor of Business Administration

Yusufu Jinkiri
Professor of Business Administration

Associate Professor of Business and Economics and Director of Chinese MBA Program

Ying Lin
Associate Professor of Business and Economics and Director of Chinese MBA Program

Professor of Business and Chair of Sport Management and Hospitality

Christina Martin
Professor of Business and Chair of Sport Management and Hospitality

Associate Professor of Business Law

Elanor Nabors
Associate Professor of Business Law

Associate Professor of Business & Director of DBA Program

Mark Shannon
Associate Professor of Business & Director of DBA Program

Instructor of Business

Jack Shi
Instructor of Business

Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems and Director of the Computer Information Systems Program

Corky Wicks
Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems and Director of the Computer Information Systems Program

Contact Us

School of Business

Phone: 601-968-8945

Irby Complex (Second Floor), 1500 Peachtree Street, Jackson, MS 39202

aerial view of the fountain

Verse of the Year

God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.

Philippians 2:13