THE PURPOSE OF CHAPEL IS to bring together the entire campus in a shared spiritually enriching hour that allows students collectively to be challenged to explore the depths of God’s truth and love. While Chapel is most often structured as a worship service, the purpose of Chapel is somewhat different from the systematic spiritual development students receive from their local church. And thus, Chapel is purposefully designed never to take the place of a local church in a student’s life.

Students’ attendance in Chapel is required because, within our Christian framework, we believe that all teaching of truth must be built on a foundation of God’s truth. As the study of chemistry cannot be completed from a textbook alone, the study of God’s truth also needs a “laboratory” for experiencing and understanding, for it is not enough to study the Bible without having exposure to the worship of God and an opportunity to understand the relationship offered to us in Christ.

Chapel Schedule

A Gentle Whisper: Listening for God

Spring 2025 Chapel Schedule

Date Scripture Speaker
January 14 In hopelessness
I Kings 19
Dr. Roger Parrott, President
January 21 In anxiety
Matthew 14
Dr. Roger Parrott, President
January 28 In doubt
Joshua 24
Dr. Roger Parrott, President
February 4 In Loneliness
Psalm 23
Dr. Roger Parrott, President
February 11 In attacks
Psalm 27
Dr. Roger Parrott, President
February 18 In helplessness
Isaiah 6
Dr. Roger Parrott, President
February 25 In addictions
Hebrews 11
Dr. Roger Parrott, President
March 4 In failure
Psalm 51
Dr. Roger Parrott, President
March 18 In guilt
Romans 7
Dr. Roger Parrott, President
March 24 In confusion
Matthew 6
Dr. Roger Parrott, President

You can also download a print friendly version of the 2025 Spring Chapel Schedule.

Stay Connected: Chapel Messages On-Demand

Bookmark this page to listen to Chapel messages each week or follow on Spotify or Amazon.

Spring 2025 Chapel Series

Fall 2024 Chapel Series

Important Chapel Information

In order to receive credit for chapel you must:

  • Download the iAttended app, allow the app to use your location, and enter the code on the screen before AND after chapel.
  • BE SEATED in an auditorium seat until after the Benediction
    has been completed.
  • Should a student not have a smart phone, they can see a staff member in chapel to assist in receiving credit.

Chapel attendance is required for all full-time traditional undergraduate students. Students are required to attend a minimum of eight (8) chapel services each semester. Students will only receive credit for attendance through the iAttended app by entering the code at the beginning and end of each session (if you do not own a smart phone, you will need to contact Student Development).

Attendance will not register after five minutes from the start of each session, at which point students are counted absent. Students leaving early are also counted absent. Students are to be seated until the benediction has been completed and show respect by listening and not being disruptive. All cell phones must be turned off or set to vibrate.

Students who have not met the minimum Chapel attendance requirement during a semester may receive one (1) attendance credit by serving two (2) hours in the community with an approved organization or by making a $35 gift to the Chapel Mission Fund.

All forms for community service and the mission fund are available on BlazeNet and must be approved by the Chapel Office in the Office of Student Development (Cleland Hall;; 601-968-5969).

Contact Us

Office of Student Development

Phone: 601-968-5969

Belhaven University
Student Center | 2nd Floor
1500 Peachtree Street, Box 167
Jackson, MS 39202

Student Center with white azaleas in bloom

Verse of the Year

For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Psalm 100:5