Belhaven University is on the doorstep of some of the best medical facilities and doctors in the entire Southeast. To provide students with the best care possible, we have listed several trusted facilities in the area.
Though we hope there will never be a for a visit one of these locations, we understand the importance of knowing all of the options and their various uses. The following is a list of several of the excellent health service providers near campus.
MEA Medical Clinics
The various MEA medical clinics, located throughout the Jackson area, are ideal places to have non-emergency needs of patients met through a combination of compassion and convenience. With accommodating weekday and weekend hours and a close proximity to campus, MEA clinics provide an ideal location for walk-in visits.
Baptist Health Systems
Baptist Medical Systems provides quality non-emergency care for patients through their staff of board certified physicians and nurse practitioners throughout their Medical Clinics. The clinics participate in a wide variety of health plans, and the clinics are located in the metro area.
Baptist Medical Center is a full-service emergency care facility that provides emergency services 24 hours a day. Baptist’s ER provides care to patients with diagnoses ranging from non-emergent complaints to life threatening conditions. All physicians on staff in Baptist’s Emergency Department are board-certified specialists in emergency medicine.
University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMC)
UMC doubles as one of the South's premier hospitals, as well as a training ground for many of the doctors and nurses of the next generation. Located less than a mile from campus, it is an ideal place for any emergency related needs of our students.
Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine
Belhaven University recommends, but does not require, the bacterial meningitis vaccine for incoming resident students. The recommendation is that all students should consider receiving at least one dose on or after their 16th birthday.
There has never been a case of meningitis at Belhaven and the disease is rare, but the University is concerned that students be protected. Locally, the vaccine costs approximately $130 and can be administered at the Mississippi Department of Health just a short drive from campus.
Contact Us
Office of Student Development
Phone: 601-968-5969Belhaven University
Student Center | 2nd Floor
1500 Peachtree Street, Box 167
Jackson, MS 39202

Verse of the Year
For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
Psalm 100:5